# maubot - A plugin-based Matrix bot system. # Copyright (C) 2021 Tulir Asokan # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. from typing import Dict, Tuple, NamedTuple, Optional from json import JSONDecodeError from http import HTTPStatus import hashlib import random import string import hmac from aiohttp import web from mautrix.api import SynapseAdminPath, Method from mautrix.errors import MatrixRequestError from mautrix.client import ClientAPI from mautrix.types import LoginType from .base import routes, get_config, get_loop from .responses import resp def known_homeservers() -> Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]: return get_config()["homeservers"] @routes.get("/client/auth/servers") async def get_known_servers(_: web.Request) -> web.Response: return web.json_response({key: value["url"] for key, value in known_homeservers().items()}) class AuthRequestInfo(NamedTuple): client: ClientAPI secret: str username: str password: str user_type: str async def read_client_auth_request(request: web.Request) -> Tuple[Optional[AuthRequestInfo], Optional[web.Response]]: server_name = request.match_info.get("server", None) server = known_homeservers().get(server_name, None) if not server: return None, resp.server_not_found try: body = await request.json() except JSONDecodeError: return None, resp.body_not_json try: username = body["username"] password = body["password"] except KeyError: return None, resp.username_or_password_missing try: base_url = server["url"] except KeyError: return None, resp.invalid_server secret = server.get("secret") api = ClientAPI(base_url=base_url, loop=get_loop()) user_type = body.get("user_type", "bot") return AuthRequestInfo(api, secret, username, password, user_type), None def generate_mac(secret: str, nonce: str, user: str, password: str, admin: bool = False, user_type: str = None) -> str: mac = hmac.new(key=secret.encode("utf-8"), digestmod=hashlib.sha1) mac.update(nonce.encode("utf-8")) mac.update(b"\x00") mac.update(user.encode("utf-8")) mac.update(b"\x00") mac.update(password.encode("utf-8")) mac.update(b"\x00") mac.update(b"admin" if admin else b"notadmin") if user_type is not None: mac.update(b"\x00") mac.update(user_type.encode("utf8")) return mac.hexdigest() @routes.post("/client/auth/{server}/register") async def register(request: web.Request) -> web.Response: info, err = await read_client_auth_request(request) if err is not None: return err client: ClientAPI client, secret, username, password, user_type = info if not secret: return resp.registration_secret_not_found path = SynapseAdminPath.v1.register res = await client.api.request(Method.GET, path) content = { "nonce": res["nonce"], "username": username, "password": password, "admin": False, "mac": generate_mac(secret, res["nonce"], username, password, user_type=user_type), "user_type": user_type, } try: return web.json_response(await client.api.request(Method.POST, path, content=content)) except MatrixRequestError as e: return web.json_response({ "errcode": e.errcode, "error": e.message, "http_status": e.http_status, }, status=HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) @routes.post("/client/auth/{server}/login") async def login(request: web.Request) -> web.Response: info, err = await read_client_auth_request(request) if err is not None: return err device_id = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits, k=8)) client = info.client try: res = await client.login(identifier=info.username, login_type=LoginType.PASSWORD, password=info.password, device_id=f"maubot_{device_id}", initial_device_display_name="Maubot", store_access_token=False) return web.json_response(res.serialize()) except MatrixRequestError as e: return web.json_response({ "errcode": e.errcode, "error": e.message, }, status=e.http_status)