2023-11-24 13:11:34 -05:00

169 lines
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// This file is part of the uSTL library, an STL implementation.
// Copyright (c) 2005 by Mike Sharov <msharov@users.sourceforge.net>
// This file is free software, distributed under the MIT License.
#pragma once
#include "uvector.h"
#include "ufunction.h"
namespace ustl {
template <typename Pair, typename Comp>
struct pair_compare_first : public binary_function<Pair,Pair,bool> {
inline bool operator()(const Pair& a, const Pair& b) { return Comp()(a.first,b.first); }
template <typename K, typename V, typename Comp>
struct pair_compare_first_key : public binary_function<pair<K,V>,K,bool> {
inline bool operator()(const pair<K,V>& a, const K& b) { return Comp()(a.first,b); }
inline bool operator()(const K& a, const pair<K,V>& b) { return Comp()(a,b.first); }
/// \class map umap.h ustl.h
/// \ingroup AssociativeContainers
/// \brief A sorted associative container of pair<K,V>
template <typename K, typename V, typename Comp = less<K> >
class map : public vector<pair<K,V> > {
typedef K key_type;
typedef V data_type;
typedef const K& const_key_ref;
typedef const V& const_data_ref;
typedef const map<K,V,Comp>& rcself_t;
typedef vector<pair<K,V> > base_class;
typedef typename base_class::value_type value_type;
typedef typename base_class::size_type size_type;
typedef typename base_class::pointer pointer;
typedef typename base_class::const_pointer const_pointer;
typedef typename base_class::reference reference;
typedef typename base_class::const_reference const_reference;
typedef typename base_class::const_iterator const_iterator;
typedef typename base_class::iterator iterator;
typedef typename base_class::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator;
typedef typename base_class::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator;
typedef pair<const_iterator,const_iterator> const_range_t;
typedef pair<iterator,iterator> range_t;
typedef pair<iterator,bool> insertrv_t;
typedef Comp key_compare;
typedef pair_compare_first<value_type,Comp> value_compare;
typedef pair_compare_first_key<K,V,Comp> value_key_compare;
inline map (void) : base_class() {}
explicit inline map (size_type n) : base_class (n) {}
inline map (rcself_t v) : base_class (v) {}
inline map (const_iterator i1, const_iterator i2) : base_class() { insert (i1, i2); }
inline rcself_t operator= (rcself_t v) { base_class::operator= (v); return *this; }
inline const_data_ref at (const_key_ref k) const { assert (find(k) != end()); return find(k)->second; }
inline data_type& at (const_key_ref k) { assert (find(k) != end()); return find(k)->second; }
inline const_data_ref operator[] (const_key_ref i) const { return at(i); }
data_type& operator[] (const_key_ref i);
inline key_compare key_comp (void) const { return key_compare(); }
inline value_compare value_comp (void) const { return value_compare(); }
inline size_type size (void) const { return base_class::size(); }
inline iterator begin (void) { return base_class::begin(); }
inline const_iterator begin (void) const { return base_class::begin(); }
inline iterator end (void) { return base_class::end(); }
inline const_iterator end (void) const { return base_class::end(); }
inline void assign (const_iterator i1, const_iterator i2) { clear(); insert (i1, i2); }
inline void push_back (const_reference v) { insert (v); }
inline const_iterator find (const_key_ref k) const;
inline iterator find (const_key_ref k) { return const_cast<iterator> (const_cast<rcself_t>(*this).find (k)); }
inline const_iterator find_data (const_data_ref v, const_iterator first = nullptr, const_iterator last = nullptr) const;
inline iterator find_data (const_data_ref v, iterator first = nullptr, iterator last = nullptr) { return const_cast<iterator> (find_data (v, const_cast<const_iterator>(first), const_cast<const_iterator>(last))); }
const_iterator lower_bound (const_key_ref k) const { return ::ustl::lower_bound (begin(), end(), k, value_key_compare()); }
inline iterator lower_bound (const_key_ref k) { return const_cast<iterator>(const_cast<rcself_t>(*this).lower_bound (k)); }
const_iterator upper_bound (const_key_ref k) const { return ::ustl::upper_bound (begin(), end(), k, value_key_compare()); }
inline iterator upper_bound (const_key_ref k) { return const_cast<iterator>(const_cast<rcself_t>(*this).upper_bound (k)); }
const_range_t equal_range (const_key_ref k) const { return ::ustl::equal_range (begin(), end(), k, value_key_compare()); }
inline range_t equal_range (const_key_ref k) { return ::ustl::equal_range (begin(), end(), k, value_key_compare()); }
inline size_type count (const_key_ref v) const { const_range_t r = equal_range(v); return distance(r.first,r.second); }
insertrv_t insert (const_reference v);
inline iterator insert (const_iterator, const_reference v) { return insert(v).first; }
void insert (const_iterator i1, const_iterator i2) { for (; i1 != i2; ++i1) insert (*i1); }
inline void erase (const_key_ref k);
inline iterator erase (iterator ep) { return base_class::erase (ep); }
inline iterator erase (iterator ep1, iterator ep2) { return base_class::erase (ep1, ep2); }
inline void clear (void) { base_class::clear(); }
inline void swap (map& v) { base_class::swap (v); }
#if HAVE_CPP11
using initlist_t = std::initializer_list<value_type>;
inline map (map&& v) : base_class (move(v)) {}
inline map (initlist_t v) : base_class() { insert (v.begin(), v.end()); }
inline map& operator= (map&& v) { base_class::operator= (move(v)); return *this; }
insertrv_t insert (value_type&& v);
inline iterator insert (const_iterator, value_type&& v) { return insert(move(v)).first; }
inline void insert (initlist_t v) { insert (v.begin(), v.end()); }
template <typename... Args>
inline insertrv_t emplace (Args&&... args) { return insert (value_type(forward<Args>(args)...)); }
template <typename... Args>
inline iterator emplace_hint (const_iterator h, Args&&... args) { return insert (h, value_type(forward<Args>(args)...)); }
template <typename... Args>
inline insertrv_t emplace_back (Args&&... args) { return insert (value_type(forward<Args>(args)...)); }
/// Returns the pair<K,V> where K = \p k.
template <typename K, typename V, typename Comp>
inline typename map<K,V,Comp>::const_iterator map<K,V,Comp>::find (const_key_ref k) const
const_iterator i = lower_bound (k);
return (i < end() && Comp()(k,i->first)) ? end() : i;
/// Returns the pair<K,V> where V = \p v, occuring in range [first,last).
template <typename K, typename V, typename Comp>
inline typename map<K,V,Comp>::const_iterator map<K,V,Comp>::find_data (const_data_ref v, const_iterator first, const_iterator last) const
if (!first) first = begin();
if (!last) last = end();
for (; first != last && first->second != v; ++first) ;
return first;
/// Returns data associated with key \p k.
template <typename K, typename V, typename Comp>
typename map<K,V,Comp>::data_type& map<K,V,Comp>::operator[] (const_key_ref k)
iterator ip = lower_bound (k);
if (ip == end() || Comp()(k,ip->first))
ip = base_class::insert (ip, make_pair (k, V()));
return ip->second;
/// Inserts the pair into the container.
template <typename K, typename V, typename Comp>
typename map<K,V,Comp>::insertrv_t map<K,V,Comp>::insert (const_reference v)
iterator ip = lower_bound (v.first);
bool bInserted = ip == end() || Comp()(v.first, ip->first);
if (bInserted)
ip = base_class::insert (ip, v);
return make_pair (ip, bInserted);
#if HAVE_CPP11
/// Inserts the pair into the container.
template <typename K, typename V, typename Comp>
typename map<K,V,Comp>::insertrv_t map<K,V,Comp>::insert (value_type&& v)
iterator ip = lower_bound (v.first);
bool bInserted = ip == end() || Comp()(v.first, ip->first);
if (bInserted)
ip = base_class::insert (ip, move(v));
return make_pair (ip, bInserted);
/// Erases the element with key value \p k.
template <typename K, typename V, typename Comp>
inline void map<K,V,Comp>::erase (const_key_ref k)
iterator ip = find (k);
if (ip != end())
erase (ip);
} // namespace ustl