2023-11-24 13:11:34 -05:00

267 lines
12 KiB

// This file is part of the uSTL library, an STL implementation.
// Copyright (c) 2007 by Mike Sharov <msharov@users.sourceforge.net>
// This implementation is adapted from the Loki library, distributed under
// the MIT license with Copyright (c) 2001 by Andrei Alexandrescu.
#pragma once
#include "typelist.h"
namespace ustl {
namespace tm {
// Type classes and type modifiers
typedef tl::Seq<unsigned char, unsigned short, unsigned, unsigned long>::Type
typedef tl::Seq<signed char, short, int, long>::Type StdSignedInts;
typedef tl::Seq<bool, char, wchar_t>::Type StdOtherInts;
typedef tl::Seq</*float, double*/>::Type StdFloats;
template <typename U> struct Identity { typedef U Result; };
template <typename U> struct AddPointer { typedef U* Result; };
template <typename U> struct AddPointer<U&> { typedef U* Result; };
template <typename U> struct AddReference { typedef U& Result; };
template <typename U> struct AddReference<U&> { typedef U& Result; };
template <> struct AddReference<void> { typedef NullType Result; };
template <typename U> struct AddParameterType { typedef const U& Result; };
template <typename U> struct AddParameterType<U&> { typedef U& Result; };
template <> struct AddParameterType<void> { typedef NullType Result; };
template <typename U> struct RemoveReference { typedef U Result; };
template <typename U> struct RemoveReference<U&> { typedef U Result; };
#if HAVE_CPP11
template <typename U> struct RemoveReference<U&&> { typedef U Result; };
template <bool, typename T> struct EnableIf { typedef void Result; };
template <typename T> struct EnableIf<true, T> { typedef T Result; };
// Function pointer testers
// Macros expand to numerous parameters
template <typename T>
struct IsFunctionPointerRaw { enum { result = false}; };
template <typename T>
struct IsMemberFunctionPointerRaw { enum { result = false}; };
#define TM_FPR_MAXN 9
#define TM_FPR_TYPE(n) PASTE(T,n)
#define TM_FPR_TYPENAME(n) typename TM_FPR_TYPE(n)
// First specialize for regular functions
template <typename T>
struct IsFunctionPointerRaw<T(*)(void)>
{enum {result = true};};
#define TM_FPR_SPEC(n) \
template <typename T, COMMA_LIST(n, TM_FPR_TYPENAME)> \
struct IsFunctionPointerRaw<T(*)(COMMA_LIST(n, TM_FPR_TYPE))> \
{ enum { result = true }; }
// Then for those with an ellipsis argument
template <typename T>
struct IsFunctionPointerRaw<T(*)(...)>
{enum {result = true};};
template <typename T, COMMA_LIST(n, TM_FPR_TYPENAME)> \
struct IsFunctionPointerRaw<T(*)(COMMA_LIST(n, TM_FPR_TYPE), ...)> \
{ enum { result = true }; }
// Then for member function pointers
template <typename T, typename S>
struct IsMemberFunctionPointerRaw<T (S::*)(void)>
{ enum { result = true }; };
#define TM_MFPR_SPEC(n) \
template <typename T, typename S, COMMA_LIST(n, TM_FPR_TYPENAME)> \
struct IsMemberFunctionPointerRaw<T (S::*)(COMMA_LIST(n, TM_FPR_TYPE))> \
{ enum { result = true };};
// Then for member function pointers with an ellipsis argument
template <typename T, typename S>
struct IsMemberFunctionPointerRaw<T (S::*)(...)>
{ enum { result = true }; };
template <typename T, typename S, COMMA_LIST(n, TM_FPR_TYPENAME)> \
struct IsMemberFunctionPointerRaw<T (S::*)(COMMA_LIST(n, TM_FPR_TYPE), ...)> \
{ enum { result = true }; };
// Then for const member function pointers (getting tired yet?)
template <typename T, typename S>
struct IsMemberFunctionPointerRaw<T (S::*)(void) const>
{ enum { result = true }; };
#define TM_CMFPR_SPEC(n) \
template <typename T, typename S, COMMA_LIST(n, TM_FPR_TYPENAME)> \
struct IsMemberFunctionPointerRaw<T (S::*)(COMMA_LIST(n, TM_FPR_TYPE)) const> \
{ enum { result = true };};
// Finally for const member function pointers with an ellipsis argument (whew!)
template <typename T, typename S>
struct IsMemberFunctionPointerRaw<T (S::*)(...) const>
{ enum { result = true }; };
template <typename T, typename S, COMMA_LIST(n, TM_FPR_TYPENAME)> \
struct IsMemberFunctionPointerRaw<T (S::*)(COMMA_LIST(n, TM_FPR_TYPE), ...) const> \
{ enum { result = true }; };
#undef TM_FPR_SPEC
#undef TM_FPR_TYPE
#undef TM_FPR_MAXN
// Type traits template
/// Figures out at compile time various properties of any given type
/// Invocations (T is a type, TypeTraits<T>::Propertie):
/// - isPointer : returns true if T is a pointer type
/// - PointeeType : returns the type to which T points if T is a pointer
/// type, NullType otherwise
/// - isReference : returns true if T is a reference type
/// - isLValue : returns true if T is an lvalue
/// - isRValue : returns true if T is an rvalue
/// - ReferredType : returns the type to which T refers if T is a reference
/// type, NullType otherwise
/// - isMemberPointer : returns true if T is a pointer to member type
/// - isStdUnsignedInt: returns true if T is a standard unsigned integral type
/// - isStdSignedInt : returns true if T is a standard signed integral type
/// - isStdIntegral : returns true if T is a standard integral type
/// - isStdFloat : returns true if T is a standard floating-point type
/// - isStdArith : returns true if T is a standard arithmetic type
/// - isStdFundamental: returns true if T is a standard fundamental type
/// - isUnsignedInt : returns true if T is a unsigned integral type
/// - isSignedInt : returns true if T is a signed integral type
/// - isIntegral : returns true if T is a integral type
/// - isFloat : returns true if T is a floating-point type
/// - isArith : returns true if T is a arithmetic type
/// - isFundamental : returns true if T is a fundamental type
/// - ParameterType : returns the optimal type to be used as a parameter for
/// functions that take Ts
/// - isConst : returns true if T is a const-qualified type
/// - NonConstType : Type with removed 'const' qualifier from T, if any
/// - isVolatile : returns true if T is a volatile-qualified type
/// - NonVolatileType : Type with removed 'volatile' qualifier from T, if any
/// - UnqualifiedType : Type with removed 'const' and 'volatile' qualifiers from
/// T, if any
/// - ConstParameterType: returns the optimal type to be used as a parameter
/// for functions that take 'const T's
template <typename T>
class TypeTraits {
#define TMTT1 template <typename U> struct
#define TMTT2 template <typename U, typename V> struct
TMTT1 ReferenceTraits { enum { result = false, lvalue = true, rvalue = false }; typedef U ReferredType; };
TMTT1 ReferenceTraits<U&> { enum { result = true, lvalue = true, rvalue = false }; typedef U ReferredType; };
TMTT1 PointerTraits { enum { result = false }; typedef NullType PointeeType; };
TMTT1 PointerTraits<U*> { enum { result = true }; typedef U PointeeType; };
TMTT1 PointerTraits<U*&> { enum { result = true }; typedef U PointeeType; };
TMTT1 PToMTraits { enum { result = false }; };
TMTT2 PToMTraits<U V::*> { enum { result = true }; };
TMTT2 PToMTraits<U V::*&> { enum { result = true }; };
TMTT1 FunctionPointerTraits { enum { result = IsFunctionPointerRaw<U>::result }; };
TMTT1 PToMFunctionTraits { enum { result = IsMemberFunctionPointerRaw<U>::result }; };
TMTT1 UnConst { typedef U Result; enum { isConst = false }; };
TMTT1 UnConst<const U> { typedef U Result; enum { isConst = true }; };
TMTT1 UnConst<const U&> { typedef U& Result; enum { isConst = true }; };
TMTT1 UnVolatile { typedef U Result; enum { isVolatile = false }; };
TMTT1 UnVolatile<volatile U>{ typedef U Result; enum { isVolatile = true }; };
TMTT1 UnVolatile<volatile U&> {typedef U& Result;enum { isVolatile = true }; };
#if HAVE_CPP11
TMTT1 ReferenceTraits<U&&> { enum { result = true, lvalue = false, rvalue = true }; typedef U ReferredType; };
TMTT1 PointerTraits<U*&&> { enum { result = true }; typedef U PointeeType; };
TMTT2 PToMTraits<U V::*&&> { enum { result = true }; };
TMTT1 UnConst<const U&&> { typedef U&& Result; enum { isConst = true }; };
TMTT1 UnVolatile<volatile U&&> {typedef U&& Result;enum { isVolatile = true }; };
#undef TMTT2
#undef TMTT1
typedef typename UnConst<T>::Result
typedef typename UnVolatile<T>::Result
typedef typename UnVolatile<typename UnConst<T>::Result>::Result
typedef typename PointerTraits<UnqualifiedType>::PointeeType
typedef typename ReferenceTraits<T>::ReferredType
enum { isConst = UnConst<T>::isConst };
enum { isVolatile = UnVolatile<T>::isVolatile };
enum { isReference = ReferenceTraits<UnqualifiedType>::result };
enum { isLValue = ReferenceTraits<UnqualifiedType>::lvalue };
enum { isRValue = ReferenceTraits<UnqualifiedType>::rvalue };
enum { isFunction = FunctionPointerTraits<typename AddPointer<T>::Result >::result };
enum { isFunctionPointer = FunctionPointerTraits<
typename ReferenceTraits<UnqualifiedType>::ReferredType >::result };
enum { isMemberFunctionPointer= PToMFunctionTraits<
typename ReferenceTraits<UnqualifiedType>::ReferredType >::result };
enum { isMemberPointer = PToMTraits<
typename ReferenceTraits<UnqualifiedType>::ReferredType >::result ||
isMemberFunctionPointer };
enum { isPointer = PointerTraits<
typename ReferenceTraits<UnqualifiedType>::ReferredType >::result ||
isFunctionPointer };
enum { isStdUnsignedInt = tl::IndexOf<StdUnsignedInts, UnqualifiedType>::value >= 0 ||
typename ReferenceTraits<UnqualifiedType>::ReferredType>::value >= 0};
enum { isStdSignedInt = tl::IndexOf<StdSignedInts, UnqualifiedType>::value >= 0 ||
typename ReferenceTraits<UnqualifiedType>::ReferredType>::value >= 0};
enum { isStdIntegral = isStdUnsignedInt || isStdSignedInt ||
tl::IndexOf<StdOtherInts, UnqualifiedType>::value >= 0 ||
typename ReferenceTraits<UnqualifiedType>::ReferredType>::value >= 0};
enum { isStdFloat = tl::IndexOf<StdFloats, UnqualifiedType>::value >= 0 ||
typename ReferenceTraits<UnqualifiedType>::ReferredType>::value >= 0};
enum { isStdArith = isStdIntegral || isStdFloat };
enum { isStdFundamental = isStdArith || isStdFloat || Conversion<T, void>::sameType };
enum { isUnsignedInt = isStdUnsignedInt };
enum { isUnsigned = isUnsignedInt || isPointer };
enum { isSignedInt = isStdSignedInt };
enum { isIntegral = isStdIntegral || isUnsignedInt || isSignedInt };
enum { isFloat = isStdFloat };
enum { isSigned = isSignedInt || isFloat };
enum { isArith = isIntegral || isFloat };
enum { isFundamental = isStdFundamental || isArith };
typedef typename Select<isStdArith || isPointer || isMemberPointer, T,
typename AddParameterType<T>::Result>::Result
} // namespace tm
} // namespace ustl