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// This file is part of the uSTL library, an STL implementation.
// Copyright (c) 2005 by Mike Sharov <msharov@users.sourceforge.net>
// This file is free software, distributed under the MIT License.
#pragma once
#include "assert.h"
#include "ualgobase.h"
/// The ustl namespace contains all ustl classes and algorithms.
namespace ustl {
class istream;
class ostream;
class ostringstream;
/// \class cmemlink cmemlink.h ustl.h
/// \ingroup MemoryManagement
/// \brief A read-only pointer to a sized block of memory.
/// Use this class the way you would a const pointer to an allocated unstructured block.
/// The pointer and block size are available through member functions and cast operator.
/// Example usage:
/// \code
/// void* p = malloc (46721);
/// cmemlink a, b;
/// a.link (p, 46721);
/// assert (a.size() == 46721));
/// b = a;
/// assert (b.size() == 46721));
/// assert (b.DataAt(34) == a.DataAt(34));
/// assert (0 == memcmp (a, b, 12));
/// \endcode
class cmemlink {
typedef char value_type;
typedef const value_type* pointer;
typedef const value_type* const_pointer;
typedef value_type reference;
typedef value_type const_reference;
typedef size_t size_type;
typedef uint32_t written_size_type;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef const_pointer const_iterator;
typedef const_iterator iterator;
typedef const cmemlink& rcself_t;
inline cmemlink (void) : _data (nullptr), _size (0) { }
inline cmemlink (const void* p, size_type n) : _data (const_pointer(p)), _size (n) { assert (p || !n); }
inline cmemlink (const cmemlink& l) : _data (l._data), _size (l._size) {}
inline virtual ~cmemlink (void) noexcept {}
void link (const void* p, size_type n);
inline void link (const cmemlink& l) { link (l.begin(), l.size()); }
inline void link (const void* first, const void* last) { link (first, distance (first, last)); }
inline void relink (const void* p, size_type n);
virtual void unlink (void) noexcept { _data = nullptr; _size = 0; }
inline rcself_t operator= (const cmemlink& l) { link (l); return *this; }
bool operator== (const cmemlink& l) const noexcept;
inline void swap (cmemlink& l) { ::ustl::swap (_data, l._data); ::ustl::swap (_size, l._size); }
inline size_type size (void) const { return _size; }
inline size_type max_size (void) const { return size(); }
inline size_type readable_size (void) const { return size(); }
inline bool empty (void) const { return !size(); }
inline const_pointer data (void) const { return _data; }
inline const_pointer cdata (void) const { return _data; }
inline iterator begin (void) const { return iterator (cdata()); }
inline iterator iat (size_type i) const { assert (i <= size()); return begin() + i; }
inline iterator end (void) const { return iat (size()); }
inline void resize (size_type n) { _size = n; }
inline void read (istream&) { assert (!"ustl::cmemlink is a read-only object."); }
void write (ostream& os) const;
size_type stream_size (void) const noexcept;
void text_write (ostringstream& os) const;
void write_file (const char* filename, int mode = 0644) const;
const_pointer _data; ///< Pointer to the data block (const)
size_type _size; ///< size of the data block
/// A fast alternative to link which can be used when relinking to the same block (i.e. when it is resized)
inline void cmemlink::relink (const void* p, size_type n)
_data = reinterpret_cast<const_pointer>(p);
_size = n;
/// Use with cmemlink-derived classes to link to a static array
#define static_link(v) link (VectorBlock(v))
} // namespace ustl