// This file is part of the uSTL library, an STL implementation. // // Copyright (c) 2005 by Mike Sharov // This file is free software, distributed under the MIT License. #pragma once #include "memlink.h" #include "utf8.h" #include "uios.h" #include "strmsize.h" #if WANT_STREAM_BOUNDS_CHECKING #include "typeinfo.h" #endif namespace ustl { class istream; class string; /// \class ostream mostream.h ustl.h /// \ingroup BinaryStreams /// /// \brief Helper class to write packed binary streams. /// /// This class contains a set of functions to write integral types into an /// unstructured memory block. Packing binary file data can be done this /// way, for instance. aligning the data is your responsibility, and can /// be accomplished by proper ordering of writes and by calling align. /// Unaligned access is usually slower by orders of magnitude and, /// on some architectures, such as PowerPC, can cause your program to crash. /// Therefore, all write functions have asserts to check alignment. /// See \ref istream documentation for rules on designing your data format. /// Overwriting the end of the stream will also cause a crash (an assert in /// debug builds). Oh, and don't be intimidated by the size of the inlines /// here. In the assembly code the compiler will usually chop everything down /// to five instructions each. /// /// Example code: /// \code /// memblock b; /// ostream os (b); /// os << boolVar << ios::talign(); /// os << intVar << floatVar; /// os.write (binaryData, binaryDataSize); /// os.align(); /// b.resize (os.pos()); /// b.write_file ("test.file"); /// \endcode /// class ostream : public memlink, public ios_base { public: inline ostream (void) : memlink(), _pos(0) {} inline ostream (void* p, streamsize n) : memlink (p, n), _pos (0) {} inline explicit ostream (const memlink& source) : memlink (source), _pos (0) {} inline iterator end (void) { return memlink::end(); } inline const_iterator end (void) const { return memlink::end(); } inline void seek (uoff_t newPos); inline void iseek (const_iterator newPos); inline void skip (streamsize nBytes); inline uoff_t pos (void) const { return _pos; } inline iterator ipos (void) { return begin() + pos(); } inline const_iterator ipos (void) const { return begin() + pos(); } inline streamsize remaining (void) const; inline bool aligned (streamsize grain = c_DefaultAlignment) const; bool verify_remaining (const char* op, const char* type, size_t n); inline streamsize align_size (streamsize grain = c_DefaultAlignment) const; void align (streamsize grain = c_DefaultAlignment); inline void write (const void* buffer, streamsize size); inline void write (const cmemlink& buf); void write_strz (const char* str); void read (istream& is); inline void write (ostream& os) const { os.write (begin(), pos()); } void text_write (ostringstream& os) const; inline size_t stream_size (void) const { return pos(); } void insert (iterator start, streamsize size); void erase (iterator start, streamsize size); inline void swap (ostream& os); template inline void iwrite (const T& v); inline virtual ostream& flush (void) { return *this; } inline virtual streamsize overflow (streamsize=1) { return remaining(); } virtual void unlink (void) noexcept override; inline void link (void* p, streamsize n) { memlink::link (p, n); } inline void link (memlink& l) { memlink::link (l.data(), l.writable_size()); } inline void link (void* f, void* l) { memlink::link (f, l); } inline void relink (void* p, streamsize n) { memlink::relink (p, n); _pos = 0; } inline void relink (memlink& l) { relink (l.data(), l.writable_size()); } inline void seekp (off_t p, seekdir d = beg); inline off_t tellp (void) const { return pos(); } protected: inline void SetPos (uoff_t newPos) { _pos = newPos; } private: streamoff _pos; ///< Current write position. }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- /// \class ostream_iterator mostream.h ustl.h /// \ingroup BinaryStreamIterators /// /// \brief An iterator over an ostream to use with uSTL algorithms. /// template class ostream_iterator { public: typedef T value_type; typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type; typedef value_type* pointer; typedef value_type& reference; typedef typename Stream::size_type size_type; typedef output_iterator_tag iterator_category; public: inline explicit ostream_iterator (Stream& os) : _os (os) {} inline ostream_iterator (const ostream_iterator& iter) : _os (iter._os) {} /// Writes \p v into the stream. inline ostream_iterator& operator= (const T& v) { _os << v; return *this; } inline ostream_iterator& operator* (void) { return *this; } inline ostream_iterator& operator++ (void) { return *this; } inline ostream_iterator operator++ (int) { return *this; } inline ostream_iterator& operator+= (streamsize n) { _os.skip (n); return *this; } inline bool operator== (const ostream_iterator& i) const { return _os.pos() == i._os.pos(); } inline bool operator< (const ostream_iterator& i) const { return _os.pos() < i._os.pos(); } private: Stream& _os; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef ostream_iterator ostream_iterator_for_utf8; typedef utf8out_iterator utf8ostream_iterator; /// Returns a UTF-8 adaptor writing to \p os. inline utf8ostream_iterator utf8out (ostream& os) { ostream_iterator_for_utf8 si (os); return utf8ostream_iterator (si); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Checks that \p n bytes are available in the stream, or else throws. inline bool ostream::verify_remaining (const char* op, const char* type, size_t n) { const size_t rem = remaining(); bool enough = n <= rem; if (!enough) overrun (op, type, n, pos(), rem); return enough; } /// Move the write pointer to \p newPos inline void ostream::seek (uoff_t newPos) { #if WANT_STREAM_BOUNDS_CHECKING if (newPos > size()) return overrun ("seekp", "byte", newPos, pos(), size()); #else assert (newPos <= size()); #endif SetPos (newPos); } /// Sets the current write position to \p newPos inline void ostream::iseek (const_iterator newPos) { seek (distance (begin(), const_cast(newPos))); } /// Sets the current write position to \p p based on \p d. inline void ostream::seekp (off_t p, seekdir d) { switch (d) { case beg: seek (p); break; case cur: seek (pos() + p); break; case ios_base::end: seek (size() - p); break; } } /// Skips \p nBytes without writing anything. inline void ostream::skip (streamsize nBytes) { seek (pos() + nBytes); } /// Returns number of bytes remaining in the write buffer. inline streamsize ostream::remaining (void) const { return size() - pos(); } /// Returns \c true if the write pointer is aligned on \p grain inline bool ostream::aligned (streamsize grain) const { return pos() % grain == 0; } /// Returns the number of bytes to skip to be aligned on \p grain. inline streamsize ostream::align_size (streamsize grain) const { return Align (pos(), grain) - pos(); } /// Writes \p n bytes from \p buffer. inline void ostream::write (const void* buffer, size_type n) { #if WANT_STREAM_BOUNDS_CHECKING if (!verify_remaining ("write", "binary data", n)) return; #else assert (remaining() >= n && "Buffer overrun. Check your stream size calculations."); #endif memcpy (ipos(), const_iterator(buffer), n); _pos += n; } /// Writes the contents of \p buf into the stream as a raw dump. inline void ostream::write (const cmemlink& buf) { write (buf.begin(), buf.size()); } /// Writes type T into the stream via a direct pointer cast. template inline void ostream::iwrite (const T& v) { assert (aligned (stream_align_of (v))); #if WANT_STREAM_BOUNDS_CHECKING if (!verify_remaining ("write", typeid(v).name(), sizeof(T))) return; #else assert (remaining() >= sizeof(T)); #endif *reinterpret_cast(ipos()) = v; SetPos (pos() + sizeof(T)); } /// Swaps with \p os inline void ostream::swap (ostream& os) { memlink::swap (os); ::ustl::swap (_pos, os._pos); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- template struct object_writer { inline void operator()(ostream& os, const T& v) const { v.write (os); } }; template struct integral_object_writer { inline void operator()(ostream& os, const T& v) const { os.iwrite (v); } }; template inline ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const T& v) { typedef typename tm::Select ::is_integral, integral_object_writer, object_writer >::Result object_writer_t; object_writer_t()(os, v); return os; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- } // namespace ustl