// This file is part of the uSTL library, an STL implementation. // // Copyright (c) 2005 by Mike Sharov // This file is free software, distributed under the MIT License. #pragma once #include "ustl/uspecial.h" #include "ustl/umap.h" #include "ustl/umultimap.h" #include "ustl/ustack.h" #include "ustl/uqueue.h" #include "ustl/unumeric.h" #include "ustl/ulist.h" #include "ustl/uheap.h" /// \mainpage /// /// \section intro Introduction /// /// uSTL is a partial implementation of the STL specification intended to /// reduce code size of the derivative programs. Usually, the STL containers /// manage their own storage with new[] and delete[] operators, which create /// strongly typed storage. That is the standard way of allocating C++ object /// vectors, allowing appropriate constructors and destructors to be called on /// the allocated storage and ensuring that objects are copied via their copy /// operators. Although type safety is a good thing, placing memory management /// code into a template necessitates its reinstantiation for every template /// instance used by the derivative program. This produces substantial code /// bloat, that is frequently derided by C developers and used by them as /// an argument that C is better than C++. The uSTL implementation solves /// this problem by factoring memory management code into a non-template base /// class, ustl::memblock, which performs unstructured memory allocation. STL /// containers are then implemented as template wrappers for memblock to /// provide a measure of type safety. The result is that each template /// instantiation contains less code, and although it does not completely /// "disappear", due to the requirement for calling placement constructors /// on the allocated memory, most of it does, being replaced by calls to /// memblock methods. The base classes for unstructured storage management /// (cmemlink - link to constant memory, memlink - link to mutable memory, /// and memblock - owner of mutable memory) are, of course, also available /// for use as data buffers wherever those are needed, and streams that /// efficiently read and write binary data into them are also available. // /// \defgroup Containers Containers /// Here you'll find all the containers for your objects and data. // /// \defgroup MemoryManagement Memory Management /// \ingroup Containers /// Classes that implement low-level memory management and form the base for /// all containers in the library. Almost all functionality in the containers /// is reduced to calls to these base classes through a great deal of inline /// crunching by the compiler, and thus you end up storing all your data in /// ustl::memblock objects with the container templates as mere syntactic sugar. // /// \defgroup Sequences Sequence Containers /// \ingroup Containers /// Containers containing sequences of objects. // /// \defgroup AssociativeContainers Associative Containers /// \ingroup Containers /// Containers containing associations of objects. // /// \defgroup Streams Streams /// Streams convert objects into flat data. // /// \defgroup BinaryStreams Binary Streams /// \ingroup Streams /// Unlike the C++ standard library, /// the default behaviour is very strongly biased toward binary streams. I /// believe that text formats should be used very sparingly due to numerous /// problems they cause, such as total lack of structure, buffer overflows, /// the great multitude of formats and encodings for even the most /// trivial of things like integers, and the utter lack of readability /// despite ardent claims to the contrary. Binary formats are well-structured, /// are simpler to define exhaustively, are aggregates of basic types which /// are universal to all architectures (with the exception of two types of /// byte ordering, which I hope to be an issue that will go away soon), and /// are much more readable (through an appropriate formatting tool equipped /// to read binary format specifications). // /// \defgroup BinaryStreamIterators Binary Stream Iterators /// \ingroup BinaryStreams /// \ingroup Iterators /// Iterators for using STL algorithms with binary streams. // /// \defgroup TextStreams TextStreams /// \ingroup Streams /// Streams converting objects into streams of text. // /// \defgroup DeviceStreams Device Streams /// \ingroup Streams /// Standard cout, cerr, and cin implementations for reading /// and writing text through standard file descriptors. // /// \defgroup Iterators Iterators /// Generalizations of the pointer concept, allowing algorithms to treat /// all containers in a unified fashion. // /// \defgroup IteratorAdaptors Iterator Adaptors /// \ingroup Iterators /// Iterators made out of other iterators. // /// \defgroup Algorithms Algorithms /// STL algorithms are the heart of generic programming. The idea is to /// separate algorithms from containers to take advantage of the fact that /// there are fewer distinct algorithms than typed containers. This is /// diametrically opposed to object oriented programming, where each object /// must contain all functionality related to its internal data. You will /// find, I think, that in practice, generic programming is not terribly /// convenient because it prevents you from encapsulating all your data. /// The best approach is to compromise and have raw data classes that will /// be manipulated by algorithms and to treat the rest of the objects as /// stateful data transformers. // /// \defgroup MutatingAlgorithms Mutating Algorithms /// \ingroup Algorithms /// Algorithms for modifying your data in some way. // /// \defgroup SortingAlgorithms Sorting Algorithms /// \ingroup MutatingAlgorithms /// Algorithms for sorting containers. // /// \defgroup GeneratorAlgorithms Generator Algorithms /// \ingroup MutatingAlgorithms /// Algorithms for generating data. // /// \defgroup NumericAlgorithms Numeric Algorithms /// \ingroup MutatingAlgorithms /// Algorithms generalizing mathematical operations. // /// \defgroup SetAlgorithms Set Algorithms /// \ingroup MutatingAlgorithms /// Algorithms for working with sorted sets. // /// \defgroup HeapAlgorithms Heap Algorithms /// \ingroup MutatingAlgorithms /// Algorithms for generating and manipulating heaps. // /// \defgroup SwapAlgorithms Swap Algorithms /// \ingroup MutatingAlgorithms /// Algorithms for swapping elements. // /// \defgroup RawStorageAlgorithms Raw Storage Algorithms /// \ingroup MutatingAlgorithms /// Algorithms for manipulating unstructured memory. // /// \defgroup ConditionAlgorithms Condition Algorithms /// \ingroup Algorithms /// Algorithms for obtaining information about data. // /// \defgroup SearchingAlgorithms Searching Algorithms /// \ingroup ConditionAlgorithms /// Algorithms for searching through containers. // /// \defgroup PredicateAlgorithms Predicate Algorithms /// \ingroup Algorithms /// Algorithms that take a functor object. Avoid these if you can, /// and carefully check the generated assembly if you can't. These /// algorithms can and will generate prodigious amounts of bloat /// if you are not very very careful about writing your functors. // /// \defgroup Functors Functors /// Functors are inteded to be passed as arguments to \link PredicateAlgorithms /// predicate algorithms\endlink. Ivory tower academics make much of this capability, /// no doubt happy that C++ can now be made to look just like their precious lisp. /// In practice, however, functors and predicate algorithms are mostly useless. /// An iterative solution using \ref foreach is usually far simpler to write /// and to maintain. Furthermore, functional programming in C++ often /// generates much bloat and slowness, which is difficult to avoid with any /// but the most primitive functors. Try them if you wish, now and then, but /// compare with an iterative solution to see if the compiler really can see /// through all your functional trickery. // /// \defgroup FunctorObjects Functor Objects /// \ingroup Functors /// Objects that wrap other functors to provide new functionality. // /// \defgroup FunctorAccessors Functor Object Accessors /// \ingroup Functors /// Because C++ is so very unsuited to functional programming, trying /// to do so may require a lot of typing. These accessor functions /// are somewhat helpful in making functional constructs more readable.