from flask import Flask, render_template, request, send_from_directory, jsonify, session from flask_restful import Api from src.coin_api import get_coin_price_from_api from src.wallet import Wallet import os import secrets app = Flask(__name__) api = Api(app) app.secret_key = os.urandom(64) wallets = {} def get_wallet_from_session(): if "id" not in session: session["id"] = make_token() if session["id"] not in wallets: wallets[session["id"]] = Wallet() return wallets[session["id"]] def make_token(): return secrets.token_urlsafe(16) @app.route("/", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def index(): return render_template( "index.html", ) @app.route('/assets/') def assets(path): return send_from_directory('assets', path) @app.route('/api/data/fetch/') def fetch(coin: str): data = get_coin_price_from_api(coin) return jsonify(data) @app.route('/api/wallet/transaction', methods=['POST']) def transaction(): payload = request.json status = 0 if "sourceCoin" in payload and "targetCoin" in payload and "balance" in payload: wallet = get_wallet_from_session() status = wallet.transaction(payload["sourceCoin"], payload["targetCoin"], float(payload["balance"])) return jsonify({ "result": status }) @app.route("/api/wallet/join_glacier_club", methods=["POST"]) def join_glacier_club(): wallet = get_wallet_from_session() clubToken = False inClub = wallet.inGlacierClub() if inClub: f = open("/flag.txt") clubToken = f.close() return { "inClub": inClub, "clubToken": clubToken } @app.route('/api/wallet/balances') def get_balance(): wallet = get_wallet_from_session() balances = wallet.getBalances() user_balances = [] for name in balances: user_balances.append({ "name": name, "value": balances[name] }) return user_balances @app.route('/api/fetch_coins') def fetch_coins(): return jsonify([ { "name": 'cashout', "value": 'Cashout Account', "short": 'CA' }, { "name": 'glaciercoin', "value": 'GlacierCoin', "short": 'GC' }, { "name": 'ascoin', "value": 'AsCoin', "short": 'AC' }, { "name": 'doge', "value": 'Doge', "short": 'DO' }, { "name": 'gamestock', "value": 'Gamestock', "short": 'GS' }, { "name": 'ycmi', "value": 'Yeti Clubs Manufacturing Inc.', "short": 'YC' }, { "name": 'smtl', "value": 'Synthetic Mammoth Tusks LLC', "short": 'ST' }, ]) if __name__ == '__main__': host="", port=8080, debug=True, )