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2023-11-24 18:11:34 +00:00
// This file is part of the uSTL library, an STL implementation.
// Copyright (c) 2005 by Mike Sharov <msharov@users.sourceforge.net>
// This file is free software, distributed under the MIT License.
#pragma once
#include "memblock.h"
#include "utf8.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
namespace ustl {
/// \class string ustring.h ustl.h
/// \ingroup Sequences
/// \brief STL basic_string&lt;char&gt; equivalent.
/// An STL container for text string manipulation.
/// Differences from C++ standard:
/// - string is a class, not a template. Wide characters are assumed to be
/// encoded with utf8 at all times except when rendering or editing,
/// where you would use a utf8 iterator.
/// - format member function - you can, of course use an \ref ostringstream,
/// which also have format functions, but most of the time this way
/// is more convenient. Because uSTL does not implement locales,
/// format is the only way to create localized strings.
/// - const char* cast operator. It is much clearer to use this than having
/// to type .c_str() every time.
/// - length returns the number of _characters_, not bytes.
/// This function is O(N), so use wisely.
/// An additional note is in order regarding the use of indexes. All indexes
/// passed in as arguments or returned by find are byte offsets, not character
/// offsets. Likewise, sizes are specified in bytes, not characters. The
/// rationale is that there is no way for you to know what is in the string.
/// There is no way for you to know how many characters are needed to express
/// one thing or another. The only thing you can do to a localized string is
/// search for delimiters and modify text between them as opaque blocks. If you
/// do anything else, you are hardcoding yourself into a locale! So stop it!
class string : public memblock {
typedef char value_type;
typedef unsigned char uvalue_type;
typedef value_type* pointer;
typedef const value_type* const_pointer;
typedef wchar_t wvalue_type;
typedef wvalue_type* wpointer;
typedef const wvalue_type* const_wpointer;
typedef pointer iterator;
typedef const_pointer const_iterator;
typedef value_type& reference;
typedef value_type const_reference;
typedef ::ustl::reverse_iterator<iterator> reverse_iterator;
typedef ::ustl::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> const_reverse_iterator;
typedef utf8in_iterator<const_iterator> utf8_iterator;
typedef size_type pos_type;
static constexpr const pos_type npos = INT_MAX; ///< Value that means the end of string.
inline string (void) noexcept : memblock () { relink ("",0); }
string (const string& s);
inline string (const string& s, pos_type o, size_type n = npos);
inline explicit string (const cmemlink& l);
string (const_pointer s) noexcept;
inline string (const_pointer s, size_type len);
inline string (const_pointer s1, const_pointer s2);
string (size_type n, value_type c);
inline ~string (void) noexcept { }
inline pointer data (void) { return string::pointer (memblock::data()); }
inline const_pointer data (void) const { return string::const_pointer (memblock::data()); }
inline const_pointer c_str (void) const { return string::const_pointer (memblock::cdata()); }
inline size_type max_size (void) const { size_type s (memblock::max_size()); return s - !!s; }
inline size_type capacity (void) const { size_type c (memblock::capacity()); return c - !!c; }
void resize (size_type n);
inline void resize (size_type n, value_type c);
inline void clear (void) { resize (0); }
inline iterator begin (void) { return iterator (memblock::begin()); }
inline const_iterator begin (void) const { return const_iterator (memblock::begin()); }
inline const_iterator cbegin (void) const { return begin(); }
inline iterator end (void) { return iterator (memblock::end()); }
inline const_iterator end (void) const { return const_iterator (memblock::end()); }
inline const_iterator cend (void) const { return end(); }
inline reverse_iterator rbegin (void) { return reverse_iterator (end()); }
inline const_reverse_iterator rbegin (void) const { return const_reverse_iterator (end()); }
inline const_reverse_iterator crbegin (void) const { return rbegin(); }
inline reverse_iterator rend (void) { return reverse_iterator (begin()); }
inline const_reverse_iterator rend (void) const { return const_reverse_iterator (begin()); }
inline const_reverse_iterator crend (void) const { return rend(); }
inline utf8_iterator utf8_begin (void) const { return utf8_iterator (begin()); }
inline utf8_iterator utf8_end (void) const { return utf8_iterator (end()); }
inline const_reference at (pos_type pos) const { assert (pos <= size() && begin()); return begin()[pos]; }
inline reference at (pos_type pos) { assert (pos <= size() && begin()); return begin()[pos]; }
inline const_iterator iat (pos_type pos) const { return begin() + (__builtin_constant_p(pos) && pos >= npos ? size() : min(size_type(pos),size())); }
inline iterator iat (pos_type pos) { return const_cast<iterator>(const_cast<const string*>(this)->iat(pos)); }
const_iterator wiat (pos_type i) const noexcept;
inline iterator wiat (pos_type i) { return const_cast<iterator>(const_cast<const string*>(this)->wiat(i)); }
inline const_reference front (void) const { return at(0); }
inline reference front (void) { return at(0); }
inline const_reference back (void) const { return at(size()-1); }
inline reference back (void) { return at(size()-1); }
inline size_type length (void) const { return distance (utf8_begin(), utf8_end()); }
inline string& append (const_iterator i1, const_iterator i2) { return append (i1, distance (i1, i2)); }
string& append (const_pointer s, size_type len);
string& append (const_pointer s);
string& append (size_type n, value_type c);
inline string& append (size_type n, wvalue_type c) { insert (size(), n, c); return *this; }
inline string& append (const_wpointer s1, const_wpointer s2) { insert (size(), s1, s2); return *this; }
inline string& append (const_wpointer s) { const_wpointer se (s); for (;se&&*se;++se) {} return append (s, se); }
inline string& append (const string& s) { return append (s.begin(), s.end()); }
inline string& append (const string& s,pos_type o,size_type n) { return append (s.iat(o), s.iat(o+n)); }
inline void push_back (value_type c) { resize(size()+1); end()[-1] = c; }
inline void push_back (wvalue_type c) { append (1, c); }
inline void pop_back (void) { resize (size()-1); }
inline string& assign (const_iterator i1, const_iterator i2) { return assign (i1, distance (i1, i2)); }
string& assign (const_pointer s, size_type len);
string& assign (const_pointer s);
inline string& assign (const_wpointer s1, const_wpointer s2) { clear(); return append (s1, s2); }
inline string& assign (const_wpointer s1) { clear(); return append (s1); }
inline string& assign (const string& s) { return assign (s.begin(), s.end()); }
inline string& assign (const string& s, pos_type o, size_type n) { return assign (s.iat(o), s.iat(o+n)); }
inline string& assign (size_type n, value_type c) { clear(); return append (n, c); }
inline string& assign (size_type n, wvalue_type c) { clear(); return append (n, c); }
size_type copy (pointer p, size_type n, pos_type pos = 0) const noexcept;
inline size_type copyto (pointer p, size_type n, pos_type pos = 0) const noexcept { size_type bc = copy(p,n-1,pos); p[bc]=0; return bc; }
inline int compare (const string& s) const { return compare (begin(), end(), s.begin(), s.end()); }
inline int compare (pos_type start, size_type len, const string& s) const { return compare (iat(start), iat(start+len), s.begin(), s.end()); }
inline int compare (pos_type s1, size_type l1, const string& s, pos_type s2, size_type l2) const { return compare (iat(s1), iat(s1+l1), s.iat(s2), s.iat(s2+l2)); }
inline int compare (const_pointer s) const { return compare (begin(), end(), s, s + strlen(s)); }
inline int compare (pos_type s1, size_type l1, const_pointer s, size_type l2) const { return compare (iat(s1), iat(s1+l1), s, s+l2); }
inline int compare (pos_type s1, size_type l1, const_pointer s) const { return compare (s1, l1, s, strlen(s)); }
static int compare (const_iterator first1, const_iterator last1, const_iterator first2, const_iterator last2) noexcept;
inline operator const value_type* (void) const;
inline operator value_type* (void);
inline const string& operator= (const string& s) { return assign (s.begin(), s.end()); }
inline const string& operator= (const_reference c) { return assign (&c, 1); }
inline const string& operator= (const_pointer s) { return assign (s); }
inline const string& operator= (const_wpointer s) { return assign (s); }
inline const string& operator+= (const string& s) { return append (s.begin(), s.size()); }
inline const string& operator+= (value_type c) { push_back(c); return *this; }
inline const string& operator+= (const_pointer s) { return append (s); }
inline const string& operator+= (wvalue_type c) { return append (1, c); }
inline const string& operator+= (uvalue_type c) { return operator+= (value_type(c)); }
inline const string& operator+= (const_wpointer s) { return append (s); }
inline string operator+ (const string& s) const;
inline bool operator== (const string& s) const { return memblock::operator== (s); }
bool operator== (const_pointer s) const noexcept;
inline bool operator== (value_type c) const { return size() == 1 && c == at(0); }
inline bool operator== (uvalue_type c) const { return operator== (value_type(c)); }
inline bool operator!= (const string& s) const { return !operator== (s); }
inline bool operator!= (const_pointer s) const { return !operator== (s); }
inline bool operator!= (value_type c) const { return !operator== (c); }
inline bool operator!= (uvalue_type c) const { return !operator== (c); }
inline bool operator< (const string& s) const { return 0 > compare (s); }
inline bool operator< (const_pointer s) const { return 0 > compare (s); }
inline bool operator< (value_type c) const { return 0 > compare (begin(), end(), &c, &c + 1); }
inline bool operator< (uvalue_type c) const { return operator< (value_type(c)); }
inline bool operator> (const_pointer s) const { return 0 < compare (s); }
inline string& insert (pos_type ip, size_type n, value_type c) { insert (iat(ip), n, c); return *this; }
inline string& insert (pos_type ip, const_pointer s) { insert (iat(ip), s, s + strlen(s)); return *this; }
inline string& insert (pos_type ip, const_pointer s, size_type nlen) { insert (iat(ip), s, s + nlen); return *this; }
inline string& insert (pos_type ip, const string& s) { insert (iat(ip), s.c_str(), s.size()); return *this; }
inline string& insert (pos_type ip, const string& s, size_type sp, size_type slen) { insert (iat(ip), s.iat(sp), s.iat(sp + slen)); return *this; }
string& insert (pos_type ip, size_type n, wvalue_type c);
string& insert (pos_type ip, const_wpointer first, const_wpointer last, size_type n = 1);
inline string& insert (int ip, size_type n, value_type c) { insert (pos_type(ip), n, c); return *this; }
inline string& insert (int ip, const_pointer s, size_type nlen) { insert (pos_type(ip), s, nlen); return *this; }
iterator insert (const_iterator start, size_type n, value_type c);
inline iterator insert (const_iterator start, value_type c) { return insert (start, 1u, c); }
iterator insert (const_iterator start, const_pointer s, size_type n);
iterator insert (const_iterator start, const_pointer first, const_iterator last, size_type n = 1);
iterator erase (const_iterator epo, size_type n = 1);
string& erase (pos_type epo = 0, size_type n = npos);
inline string& erase (int epo, size_type n = npos) { return erase (pos_type(epo), n); }
inline iterator erase (const_iterator first, const_iterator last) { return erase (first, size_type(distance(first,last))); }
inline iterator eraser (pos_type first, pos_type last) { return erase (iat(first), iat(last)); }
string& replace (const_iterator first, const_iterator last, const_pointer i1, const_pointer i2, size_type n);
template <typename InputIt>
string& replace (const_iterator first, const_iterator last, InputIt first2, InputIt last2) { return replace (first, last, first2, last2, 1); }
inline string& replace (const_iterator first, const_iterator last, const string& s) { return replace (first, last, s.begin(), s.end()); }
string& replace (const_iterator first, const_iterator last, const_pointer s);
inline string& replace (const_iterator first, const_iterator last, const_pointer s, size_type slen) { return replace (first, last, s, s + slen); }
inline string& replace (const_iterator first, const_iterator last, size_type n, value_type c) { return replace (first, last, &c, &c + 1, n); }
inline string& replace (pos_type rp, size_type n, const string& s) { return replace (iat(rp), iat(rp + n), s); }
inline string& replace (pos_type rp, size_type n, const string& s, uoff_t sp, size_type slen) { return replace (iat(rp), iat(rp + n), s.iat(sp), s.iat(sp + slen)); }
inline string& replace (pos_type rp, size_type n, const_pointer s, size_type slen) { return replace (iat(rp), iat(rp + n), s, s + slen); }
inline string& replace (pos_type rp, size_type n, const_pointer s) { return replace (iat(rp), iat(rp + n), string(s)); }
inline string& replace (pos_type rp, size_type n, size_type count, value_type c) { return replace (iat(rp), iat(rp + n), count, c); }
inline string substr (pos_type o = 0, size_type n = npos) const { return string (*this, o, n); }
inline void swap (string& v) { memblock::swap (v); }
pos_type find (value_type c, pos_type pos = 0) const noexcept;
pos_type find (const string& s, pos_type pos = 0) const noexcept;
inline pos_type find (uvalue_type c, pos_type pos = 0) const noexcept { return find (value_type(c), pos); }
inline pos_type find (const_pointer p, pos_type pos, size_type count) const { string sp; sp.link (p,count); return find (sp, pos); }
pos_type rfind (value_type c, pos_type pos = npos) const noexcept;
pos_type rfind (const string& s, pos_type pos = npos) const noexcept;
inline pos_type rfind (uvalue_type c, pos_type pos = npos) const noexcept { return rfind (value_type(c), pos); }
inline pos_type rfind (const_pointer p, pos_type pos, size_type count) const { string sp; sp.link (p,count); return rfind (sp, pos); }
pos_type find_first_of (const string& s, pos_type pos = 0) const noexcept;
inline pos_type find_first_of (value_type c, pos_type pos = 0) const { string sp (1, c); return find_first_of(sp,pos); }
inline pos_type find_first_of (uvalue_type c, pos_type pos = 0) const { return find_first_of (value_type(c), pos); }
inline pos_type find_first_of (const_pointer p, pos_type pos, size_type count) const { string sp; sp.link (p,count); return find_first_of (sp, pos); }
pos_type find_first_not_of (const string& s, pos_type pos = 0) const noexcept;
inline pos_type find_first_not_of (value_type c, pos_type pos = 0) const { string sp (1, c); return find_first_not_of(sp,pos); }
inline pos_type find_first_not_of (uvalue_type c, pos_type pos = 0) const { return find_first_not_of (value_type(c), pos); }
inline pos_type find_first_not_of (const_pointer p, pos_type pos, size_type count) const { string sp; sp.link (p,count); return find_first_not_of (sp, pos); }
pos_type find_last_of (const string& s, pos_type pos = npos) const noexcept;
inline pos_type find_last_of (value_type c, pos_type pos = npos) const { string sp (1, c); return find_last_of(sp,pos); }
inline pos_type find_last_of (uvalue_type c, pos_type pos = npos) const { return find_last_of (value_type(c), pos); }
inline pos_type find_last_of (const_pointer p, pos_type pos, size_type count) const { string sp; sp.link (p,count); return find_last_of (sp, pos); }
pos_type find_last_not_of (const string& s, pos_type pos = npos) const noexcept;
inline pos_type find_last_not_of (value_type c, pos_type pos = npos) const { string sp (1, c); return find_last_not_of(sp,pos); }
inline pos_type find_last_not_of (uvalue_type c, pos_type pos = npos) const { return find_last_not_of (value_type(c), pos); }
inline pos_type find_last_not_of (const_pointer p, pos_type pos, size_type count) const { string sp; sp.link (p,count); return find_last_not_of (sp, pos); }
int vformat (const char* fmt, va_list args);
int format (const char* fmt, ...) __attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 2, 3)));
void read (istream&);
void write (ostream& os) const;
size_t stream_size (void) const noexcept;
static hashvalue_t hash (const char* f1, const char* l1) noexcept;
#if HAVE_CPP11
using initlist_t = std::initializer_list<value_type>;
inline string (string&& v) : memblock (move(v)) {}
inline string (initlist_t v) : memblock() { assign (v.begin(), v.size()); }
inline string& assign (string&& v) { swap (v); return *this; }
inline string& assign (initlist_t v) { return assign (v.begin(), v.size()); }
inline string& append (initlist_t v) { return append (v.begin(), v.size()); }
inline string& operator+= (initlist_t v) { return append (v.begin(), v.size()); }
inline string& operator= (string&& v) { return assign (move(v)); }
inline string& operator= (initlist_t v) { return assign (v.begin(), v.size()); }
inline iterator insert (const_iterator ip, initlist_t v) { return insert (ip, v.begin(), v.end()); }
inline string& replace (const_iterator first, const_iterator last, initlist_t v) { return replace (first, last, v.begin(), v.end()); }
virtual size_type minimumFreeCapacity (void) const noexcept final override __attribute__((const));
/// Assigns itself the value of string \p s
inline string::string (const cmemlink& s)
: memblock ()
assign (const_iterator (s.begin()), s.size());
/// Assigns itself a [o,o+n) substring of \p s.
inline string::string (const string& s, pos_type o, size_type n)
: memblock()
assign (s, o, n);
/// Copies the value of \p s of length \p len into itself.
inline string::string (const_pointer s, size_type len)
: memblock ()
assign (s, len);
/// Copies into itself the string data between \p s1 and \p s2
inline string::string (const_pointer s1, const_pointer s2)
: memblock ()
assert (s1 <= s2 && "Negative ranges result in memory allocation errors.");
assign (s1, s2);
/// Returns the pointer to the first character.
inline string::operator const string::value_type* (void) const
assert ((!end() || !*end()) && "This string is linked to data that is not 0-terminated. This may cause serious security problems. Please assign the data instead of linking.");
return begin();
/// Returns the pointer to the first character.
inline string::operator string::value_type* (void)
assert ((end() && !*end()) && "This string is linked to data that is not 0-terminated. This may cause serious security problems. Please assign the data instead of linking.");
return begin();
/// Concatenates itself with \p s
inline string string::operator+ (const string& s) const
string result (*this);
result += s;
return result;
/// Resize to \p n and fill new entries with \p c
inline void string::resize (size_type n, value_type c)
const size_type oldn = size();
resize (n);
fill_n (iat(oldn), max(ssize_t(n-oldn),0), c);
// Operators needed to avoid comparing pointer to pointer
#define PTR_STRING_CMP(op, impl) \
inline bool op (const char* s1, const string& s2) { return impl; }
PTR_STRING_CMP (operator==, (s2 == s1))
PTR_STRING_CMP (operator!=, (s2 != s1))
PTR_STRING_CMP (operator<, (s2 > s1))
PTR_STRING_CMP (operator<=, (s2 >= s1))
PTR_STRING_CMP (operator>, (s2 < s1))
PTR_STRING_CMP (operator>=, (s2 <= s1))
inline string operator+ (const char* cs, const string& ss) { string r; r.reserve (strlen(cs)+ss.size()); r += cs; r += ss; return r; }
inline hashvalue_t hash_value (const char* first, const char* last)
{ return string::hash (first, last); }
inline hashvalue_t hash_value (const char* v)
{ return hash_value (v, v + strlen(v)); }
// String-number conversions
#define STRING_TO_INT_CONVERTER(name,type,func) \
inline type name (const string& str, size_t* idx = nullptr, int base = 10) \
{ \
const char* sp = str.c_str(); \
char* endp = nullptr; \
type r = func (sp, idx ? &endp : nullptr, base);\
if (idx) \
*idx = endp - sp; \
return r; \
STRING_TO_INT_CONVERTER(stoul,unsigned long,strtoul)
STRING_TO_INT_CONVERTER(stoll,long long,strtoll)
STRING_TO_INT_CONVERTER(stoull,unsigned long long,strtoull)
#define STRING_TO_FLOAT_CONVERTER(name,type,func) \
inline type name (const string& str, size_t* idx = nullptr) \
{ \
const char* sp = str.c_str(); \
char* endp = nullptr; \
type r = func (sp, idx ? &endp : nullptr);\
if (idx) \
*idx = endp - sp; \
return r; \
STRING_TO_FLOAT_CONVERTER(stold,long double,strtold)*/
#define NUMBER_TO_STRING_CONVERTER(type,fmts)\
inline string to_string (type v) { string r; r.format(fmts,v); return r; }
NUMBER_TO_STRING_CONVERTER(unsigned long,"%lu")
NUMBER_TO_STRING_CONVERTER(unsigned long long,"%llu")
} // namespace ustl