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# $Id: whats-new-2.2.txt 23020 2006-09-01 18:20:19Z androsyn $
The following is a list of major changes between ircd-ratbox-2.1 and
- Rewritten installation documentation.
- configure argument --with-maxclients is gone, we now use shell limits
and dynamic /set maxclients option.
- New option in general {};, hide_spoof_ips = yes|no;, controls whether
spoofed ips are hidden to all opers.
- New option in serverinfo {};, default_max_clients = number;, sets the
default maximum number of clients which can be changed later via
/quote set maxclients <number>
- Removed rate limiting of /away
- TESTMASK now takes: TESTMASK <[nick!]user@host> [:<gecos>]
Matching against all of the fields.
- TESTMASK can now perform ip comparisons, eg TESTMASK *@
- New CHANTRACE command, which will perform an ETRACE of a channel if you
are a member. Operspy capable.
- New MASKTRACE command, taking: MASKTRACE [!]<[nick!]user@host> [:<gecos>]
This essentially works like TESTMASK and is operspy capable. In normal
usage it will actually list local clients matching the mask, when used
with operspy it will list all clients network wide.
- Klines for user@1.2.3.* etc are now munged to CIDR.
- New CHALLENGE system, see doc/challenge.txt and for more information.
- Huge amounts of memory related cleanups.
- CPU optimisations to iline/kline/dline hash
- CPU optimisations to poll() network subsystem.
- Regained rtsigio network subsystem support, primarily for linux 2.4
- ircd -conftest option is now more "unix friendly"
- Improved logging when we disallow a servers linking.
- Server IP hiding is now hardcoded in.