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<time class="entry__meta-published meta-published" datetime="2023-08-15T10:08:55-06:00">August 15, 2023</time>
<h1 class="entry__title">Servers</h1>
<div class="entry__content"><p>EFNet has two round robin’s which are accessable via irc.efnet.org (ipv4 & ipv6). For those of you who wish to use ipv6 only, irc.ipv6.efnet.org. Further, each server on the network sets it’s own policies for access and for acceptable user conduct, so it’s likely that not all servers will permit access, or even be reachable.</p>
<p>The following is a list of all client servers seen connected as of 11 June 2021</p>
<pre><code> irc.mzima.net
http://chat.efnet.org (webchat)
<p>Another, semi-official server list can be found at <a href="http://www.efnet.org/?module=servers">http://www.efnet.org/?module=servers</a>, which may be more or less current than this listing.</p>
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