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2024-06-14 17:54:40 +00:00
# Configurator
2024-06-14 18:34:56 +00:00
`configurator` is a Python package designed for efficient and standardized configuration management in your
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applications. It uses a singleton pattern to ensure that configuration is loaded once and accessible throughout your
application. It supports merging custom configurations, validation of required configurations, and ease of access
through getter methods.
## Features
- Singleton pattern for configuration management
- Support for loading and merging custom configurations
- Simple validation for required configuration variables
- Easily extendable for additional configuration sources
## Installation
You can install the package via pip:
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pip install --index-url configurator
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Or by cloning this repository and installing with:
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git clone
2024-06-14 17:54:40 +00:00
cd configurator
pip install .
## Usage
### Initial Setup
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To use `configurator` in your application, you first need to load the configuration. This should typically be done once
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at the start of your application, for instance, in the main entry point or the initial setup script.
from configurator import load_config, get_config, ConfigurationError
# Define custom configuration for the application
custom_config = {
'DATABASE_URL': 'sqlite:///default.db',
'SECRET_KEY': 'defaultsecretkey',
def main():
# Load configuration with custom settings
# Example usage of get_config
database_url = get_config('DATABASE_URL')
print(f"Database URL: {database_url}")
# Example usage of another config variable
secret_key = get_config('SECRET_KEY')
print(f"Secret Key: {secret_key}")
except ConfigurationError as e:
print(f"Failed to load configuration: {e}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
### Accessing Configuration Values
You can access configuration values using the `get_config` function. If the key does not exist, you can provide a
default value.
from configurator import get_config
log_level = get_config('LOG_LEVEL', 'INFO')
print(f"Log Level: {log_level}")
debug_mode = get_config('DEBUG', False)
print(f"Debug Mode: {debug_mode}")
### Configuration Validation
The package includes basic validation to ensure that all required configurations are provided. If a required variable is
missing, a `ConfigurationError` will be raised.
You can customize validation requirements in the `validators` module if needed.
## Custom Configuration
Custom configurations can be passed to the `load_config` function. These will be merged with the default configurations
provided in the environment or settings files.
custom_config = {
'TIMEOUT': 30,
api_endpoint = get_config('API_ENDPOINT')
print(f"API Endpoint: {api_endpoint}")
## Extending Configurator
You can extend the `Configurator` to support additional configuration sources like JSON files, remote configuration
services, etc. This would typically involve modifying the `load_config` function.
def load_config(custom_config=None, json_file=None) -> dict:
global _config_values
if _config_values is None:
default_config = {
'LOG_LEVEL': config('LOG_LEVEL', default='INFO'),
'DEBUG': config('DEBUG', default='false', cast=bool),
'ENV': config('ENV', default='DEV')
if json_file:
with open(json_file, 'r') as jf:
json_config = json.load(jf)
# Merge custom config if present
if custom_config:
config_values = {key: config(key, default=value) for key, value in default_config.items()}
required_vars = [key for key, value in default_config.items() if value is None]
validate_config(config_values, required_vars)
_config_values = config_values
return _config_values
## Contributing
Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and submit a pull request with your changes. For major changes,
please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
## License
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.